
Tele HUH???

There’s a new app out that’s helping with social media engagement. Think of it as  5+3=1 on steroids!

WHAT IS 5+3=1???

5 likes, 3 comments =1 new follower (This was introduced to me by a former Mom Shop and is surprisingly accurate.) But who has the time for that right now!? Not me!!!

Insert Telegram.

I feel like I should preface with- “Hi! I’m Dorie & I hate learning new technology. I also hate getting notifications or learning new tricks, because it means I might mess up!”

If there is one person who opposed one more app, it was certainly me. I finally shut up and joined a few groups. I promised myself I would sit back for a few weeks and really learn it. I ended up LOVING IT!! Here’s why:

1,) You get to choose times to participate. Only have time to participate once a week at 3pm CST? There’s a group for that. Guaranteed!

2.) You don’t have to participate every time.

3.) You can mute notifications.

4.) You can HIRE SOMEONE to handle this for you, easily!

5.) You can interact the way you WANT TO!

*I prefer likes AND comments. It’s also easier for me to participate in groups that use a hashtag to find the groups posts*

Telegram is an app that is for chatting, basically. Except someone went, “What if we all meet at one specific time a day, drop our Instagram URL (FB/PINTEREST/ETC) and Comment/Like each others posts!? And it was the most brilliant idea EVER! Screenshot_20170906-070010.png


Below are a few I recommend specifically for mompreneurs. Again, I highly suggest sitting back, playing with the features and only diving in when you’re certain you are ready to handle it! Some groups are GIANT and can take a great deal of time. Try participating on desktop to make this easier.

You can also find mom supporters who will help for a small amount of money OR even shop credit.



1.] Download Telegram App
2.] Click links below
3.] Read instructions for each group.
4.] Sit back and watch each one a few times before jumping in.
*you do not have to participate each time & can mute notifications up to 2 days! This is KEY to Instagram engagement. Period. *
Don’t have time or patience to handle Telegram? There are plenty of mom’s out there who will tackle a few a day for shop credit!



Have a Telegram group you want to share? Leave a comment and we will add it!

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